Wednesday, September 12, 2018

MFRW Authors: #MFRWauthor Kryssie Fortune reveals the secret of ...

Great interview and a sexy book.

MFRW Authors: #MFRWauthor Kryssie Fortune reveals the secret of ...: #MFRWauthor Kryssie Fortune writes the sort of hot sexy books she loves to read. Her paranormal heroes are muscular werewolves, arrogant F...

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Literary Cat: RedDress Two Wives by RA Winter

A great review from Literary Cat.  Check it out for yourself!   Literary Cat: RedDress Two Wives by RA Winter: RedDress Two Wives By RA Winter is the third book in her Kiowa in

   love series.  One of the great things about the series is you don'...

Friday, June 2, 2017

Literary Cat: Bowman's Inn

Our first review of the Anthology, Check it out.  This is a great blog for book readers!

Literary Cat: Bowman's Inn: Bowman's Inn is a collection of short stories from several amazing authors. Anything can happen at Bowman's Inn you might even fin...

Friday, May 26, 2017

Mom Scribbles: Why Didn't My Promo Work?

This is a great resource if you're looking for promo sites!

Mom Scribbles: Why Didn't My Promo Work?: Photo by Cherie Haines So if you are an Indie author, you've probably heard you must spend money to g...

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Little Sparrow, Book Blog

Little Sparrow is a romantic comedy about embracing Native American heritage and love. The story revolves around Grandfather, a collector of grandchildren, trying his best to preserve his heritage while making sure his grandchildren are happy. 
Karen is one of Grandfather's lost. She "thinks" she's happy in New York, but Grandfather's devised a plan to get her home and hooked up with a man. 

Karen has no idea that she's being manipulated into coming home for Thanksgiving. A horrible storm forces her to spend the night in a hotel.. with a man she just met! 

Richard had lost his wife years ago and hadn't opened his heart to anyone, until he met Karen. They'd hit if off so well. Everything was going perfectly, until she'd run away from him and swore never to sleep with him again. 

Back home, Thanksgiving had turned into a complete fiasco. Her mother was selling the family farm, her dog was ill, and she'd slept with a man who could end her career, only to find out that her mother had invited him to Thanksgiving!

Enter Grandfather. He helped raise Karen the Kiowa way. He wants Karen to find herself, she's lost the Indian in her. She'd run away from her family, but now she was home and he needs to find a way to keep her there, with him. He needs to pass his heritage on to the next generation before they became lost, too. 

Grandfather took one look at Richard and decided to put him through the trials, No one courted one of his granddaughters unless they were worthy. Grandfather had to make sure that Richard would honor their ways. But even if Richard passed Grandfather's trials, could Grandfather convince the both of them that they belong together and in Kansas?

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Where authors and readers come together!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Help with promoting your e-book, KDP FREE Promos

I wish I had read how to promote my e-book BEFORE I published it!  First, if you use KDP you have 5 FREE days to promote your book.  Sounds great?  Well WAIT!  First you need to tell people about your book, then get them to download it!
Choose your 5 days wisely.  I wish I had!
AT LEAST two weeks prior to your FREE days, e-mail sites announcing it.  This can take a lot of time.  Here are some links to sites which can help you.
More places,152565.0.html,189435.0.html

Make sure that you check and see what their requirements are to post FOR FREE.
Some require you to join their website or newsletter.  Some require you to confirm your e-mail account so check your e-mail often.

Get a Twitter account.  Yes Twitter.  Add these accounts and any other you can find.
And any other you can find.  Go to the twitter search tool and type in FREEKINDLE you will see lots of sites.  Add all of them.

On the morning of your FREE Promo... TWEET everyone.  Go to each of these sites and click on Tweet them.  Include FREE, your book name and  the URL, maybe add something like ROMANCE, SCIFI, SEXY, ADULT ONLY, but not much else.

To get reviews try


I will add more as I find them.  I'm muddling my way through this too!  Like I said, I wish I knew before I put my book out there!

[url= 4GXE/?tag=kb1-20][img height=125]http://ecx.images- 60_.jpg[/img][/url]

4.5 Stars on

Little Sparrow, A Kiowa in Love!

Just published my first Romance Novel!
Little Sparrow is one of Grandfather's lost Indians.  She's run away from her family, but now she's back... with a potential beau!
Grandfather conspired with the family to get Karen home.  Now he has to keep her there! He's manipulated a whole series of events to keep her home.
Thanksgiving will never be the same without Karen's father.  She's come home because she had too.  She just didn't expect to end up in a hotel with a perfect stranger!
Richard never expected to find someone after being a widow for so long, but when he found Karen, fireworks erupted.  Only she ran away from him vowing never to see him again.
Enter Grandfather.  He took one look at Richard and decided to put him through his trials.  No one courted one of his granddaughters unless they were worthy.  Even if Richard passed Grandfather's trials, would Karen want Richard?  And more importantly, could he trick Karen into staying home?